June 20, 2018

Colin's 6th Birthday

Alison stayed up late the night before to decorate the house and make Colin's birthday shirt.  She is becoming quite the party planner.

We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

Ben had to go into work for the morning, so we spent the time cooking Colin's birthday treats.  Eli helped me make the M&M cookie bars.

Colin helped me make the pudding for the dirt cake.

When daddy finally got home (I thought Colin might burst waiting for his return), we went out to lunch.  Colin requested the restaurant with the flame on the sign and the really yummy french fries.  It took us some time to figure out he meant Flat Top Grill, a little local place that we've only been to a couple of times.

Then Colin opened presents.

So many great things!  We let each of the kids get him a present.  Eli picked Lego's and a book.  Every single time we go to the library (which is at least once a week) the boys try to find this book and have checked it out a million times.  It's just a simple counting book with race cars but it's been a favorite for a long time.

Alison got him a bag full of candy :)

Trying to smile with a mouth full of candy:

The boys built Lego's for the afternoon.  Colin had lots of things to tell Daddy while they built, like how he felt his body growing into a 6 year old.

The White's came over that afternoon to stay with us for 5 days while Laurel and Brian took their turn at a little getaway.  Ben lined them up to give the official rules of the house.

We got them settled in, played pin the tail on the donkey and then had a water fight.

It was all fun and games until we realized the water balloons were too small and they really hurt to be hit with.

Ben and I win parent points for being outside with the kids when it was 110°.  After everyone was done and cleaning up, Colin and Tolson just sat on the slip and slide, shooting their water guns.

No birthday is complete without pizza!

Colin actually did not touch his dessert.  He said the pudding was too cold, but I really think he was sugared out from all the candy.

We ended the evening with a round of musical chairs.

Getting ready for bed, I realized that I was "babysitting" a girl who is taller than me...it was a very strange feeling.  How did this stage of life come so quickly?

I think Colin enjoyed his day.  We tried to make it the best day possible, but his requests were hard to measure up to.  His dream party involved us renting 5 of the blow up men stores put up for advertisements and putting them all over the backyard, creating an obstacle course.  Whoever could make it through the course without getting touched by the blow up man, would win a candy trophy.  He also asked we get boots for everyone that make them able to walk on walls and we would play tag on the side of the house.  I wish I had an ounce of his imagination.

Happy Birthday Colin!!!

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