June 28, 2018

Hello Summer

Arizona has been kind to us for our last summer here.  I would say that it's been "cooler" so far, but the sun's intensity changed this week to that 'hurt-your-skin' fun-ness.  Having a new car has also made a HUGE difference.  I haven't noticed the heat as much simply because the car gets cool the second I turn it on and I no longer worry about the safety of the kids in the back of the car.  I suppose getting used the heat also plays a part in this summer.  The boys have been choosing to wear pants most days, even with temps above 100.
This day really cracked me up; we were running errands when I had to stop and document the craziness.  Eli is wearing pants and it was 113°.  He clearly has grown and his clothes are too small.  Hence Colin.  I got out the next size up clothes for Eli and he refused to wear them, so Colin put them on!  If you take these 2 shopping, Colin is Ben and Eli is me (Colin can instantly find 20 things he loves and Eli will maybe like 1 thing).

We had their checkups this week and both are in the 70th percentile for height.  Colin's weight is in the 14th percent range and with no concerns from the doctor, we were happy with the report.  Even with all the growing, they still are in my lap the second I sit down.

We have become pretty good friends with the neighbors that moved into Liza's old house.  They are pretty much the only other family in our neighborhood that also plays outside so we've had many mornings riding bikes around or playing tag.  They went on a 2 week vacation and said we could use their pool while they are gone.

Alison's friend, Bianca, came with us one day. Colin makes life guards very nervous when we go to public pools because he throws his arms back and kicks his legs. I think he does it from swimming with the puddle jumper for so long (he would lift his arms to get the floaties out of the way).

 Colin was trying so hard to do a handstand like Eli and Alison, but he isn't heavy enough to get to the bottom. It was pretty funny to watch.

Check this out!  Out of the blue, Colin was pretending to be a dolphin and taught himself how to dive!

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