March 23, 2019

Alison got a hamster!

Ben has been working with the kids on catechism questions and told them they would get a prize at certain places along the path of learning the 150 questions. Alison got to 100 and said she wanted a hamster. We were hesitant to get one considering Maya goes crazy chasing lizards and birds, but her heart was set.
Ben took her on a date to pick out the perfect one and get it set up in her room.

 She's only been with us 2 days and is already quite entertaining. She ran on the wheel for a solid 11 hours!


edj3 said...

Wow, 11 hours? Did the noise bother you guys?

Jen Shear said...

A little. We ended up getting a silent wheel, so you only hear it's little feet and we moved it out of Alison's room so she gets a solid nights sleep.