March 28, 2019

Field Trip to the California Oil Museum

We went up to Santa Paula to the Oil Museum.  We had another close call with car sickness when we unexpectedly started driving through the mountains...#stillnewhere...really should have looked at the map more closely.  But we made it.  This field trip went perfectly with what we had been learning about in science, so I was excited for the kids to get some hands on experience.  There is one thing I have learned about with all these field trips: people who give tours REALLY like talking about what they are showing you. 

The tour that was supposed to be an hour, went well over two.  It ended with looking at rocks under a microscope, but first...a slideshow!  The little girl sitting next to Alison says it all:

In the middle of the tour, Eli asked if he could borrow my phone.  He went and snapped a picture of a model oil driller and came back saying, "I'm going to build this when I get home!"  All the moms around me gave me a surprised look.  One asked if he would really build it and I had no doubt that he would create something amazing.

We went to lunch with some friends afterwards.  Eli ate quickly and said, "Well, I'm done.  So, let's go."  He picked up his food and walked out the door.  It was like seeing my dad as a kid :). He was so anxious to get home and create the oil drill that he couldn't stand being at lunch.  In less than 2 hours he had this built:

Then Colin helped him build space ships.  I'm not sure why they needed space ships, but they did.

I love seeing these two build together!

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