April 25, 2019


We went to the Shuben's (new friends from church that live just a block away) house for an Easter dinner on Saturday.  They had a big potluck, an egg hunt for the kids and read the Easter story.  They have a mini orchard in their backyard that the boys thought was fun to climb through and find eggs in.
 My super cute kids on Sunday morning:

They have all been growing like weeds!  They all picked out their outfits and I just couldn't get over how handsome Colin looked.
Church had an Easter breakfast before service, which was pretty much heaven to our kids.

It's hard to tell from this picture, but Alison is just a smidgen shorter than me now...time to start wearing heels!

When we got home, we had a charcuterie lunch and found baskets.

Sara came over for the afternoon and we dyed eggs.

And she taught Alison and I how to crochet and knit.

Why we always end up sitting on the floor of this room, I do no know.  

For dinner we had ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, zwiebach and carrot cake.  It was the best!  Sara brought wine from Santa Barbara too :)

1 comment:

edj3 said...

They all look so amazing in their Easter outfits! And oh my, if Alison is nearly your height then she's the same or taller than I am! I knew this day was coming but not this soon.