April 25, 2019

This and That +the best videos

I'm trying to keep up with taking pictures of Eli's creations.  We set up a table in his room so he could build a city and he bought some containers to organize the bricks into colors.  Every spare second he had this week, he was in here:

Eli builds, Colin plays...it's a perfect combination (i.e. they're not fighting over pieces or games).
This was the garden in the city:

We were walking into the library when Eli shared with me his life plan.  It was too good not to document.  So glad I have this to show his wife some day :)

Basketball season has been rocky.  We're going on 3 practices now where the coach hasn't shown up.  Last week, NO ONE showed up...I was beyond frustrated and needed to sit by the ocean for a minute to decompress.  The boys didn't mind the change of plans.

I love how boys can find a stick anywhere and are instantly entertained.

More building...Eli built this to beat Colin's car.

Piano is going fantastic! The kids have all learned so much in just a month and best of all, are loving it. I've seen the most change in Alison and I'm excited to see her enjoying sitting down to play.


edj3 said...

First, tell Alison that's some really nice piano playing--also, did she cut her hair? Love how it's looking!

Second, am I crazy or does Eli look even more like Ben now? A blonde, blue eyed Ben to be sure. But am I imagining that?

And finally, sorry your coaches are poopyheads who don't show up. That's just lame.

Jen Shear said...

She did get a haircut and it's really cute.

Eli is definitely looking different, although I can't pinpoint who he looks like.