August 23, 2019

Apolgia Science

We're less than 2 weeks into school and I am already LOVING Apologia science...and regretting not finding this sooner.  I found Sonlight's (what we have used up until now) lessons to be all over the place and the activities were extremely complicated with little explanation as to why you were doing the activity, thus we didn't do very many.

Night and day difference here.  It's so well written that my 6th, 3rd and 1st grader can all learn it at the same time and participate in the experiments.  You just read a couple of pages and then it will give you an easy activity to do with an explanation.  It also has an activity book that is probably most appropriate for the 3rd grade, but I am able to make it work for all of them.  This week, we just picked one page with a corresponding Bible verse on it and they colored it while I read.  At the end of the week, whoever had the verse memorized got a little treat.

Most of all, I've been excited that the activities are actually doable!

We learned about volume, matter and density and did an experiment with an egg.  
Will it sink or float in water and salt water?

And buoyancy.
They were supposed to craft a boat out of foil and pretend they are pirates who have captured a ship and need to bring the treasure onto their ship.  They estimated how many pennies (the treasure) their ship could hold and then tested their hypothesis.

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