September 12, 2020

A stitch of a time

My sweet Colin; he fell asleep in daddy's spot right after we finished a watching a movie together.

 We are having a stitch of a time in our house.  The day after our movie night, Colin was playing with the neighbor boys.  It was a record hot day, up to 104, and much too hot to play outside.  So they creatively made up a game inside that involved wrapping each other up in a blanket and leading each other around the house. They were playing in the schoolroom because Eli was in there drawing a comic book and they wanted to hang out with him.  Well, somehow the wrapped up boys, tumbled over and Colin hit his head on one is sure what exactly he hit his head on.  He cut open his head right above his eyebrow and had 2 more cuts behind his ear (not deep enough for stitches).  I was in the bathroom, helping Alison cleanup her brace, when Colin came in crying.  I looked up to see blood pouring down his face.  It looked as though he had been shot in the head. I screamed, smacked the washcloth that I just happen to be holding on his face, scooped him up and told Alison to get dad and our shoes.  I also yelled at the neighbor boys to go home, to which they bolted out of our house, not even stopping to shut the door.  Ben found us and pulled out a chair so we could evaluate the situation, but I just lifted up the washcloth and he said, "Yep, I'll get your purse, you just get in the car.".  When we got the Urgent Care, the place was miraculously empty and they had us in a room instantly.  Within 20 minutes, Colin had 5 stitches and was ready to go back home.  The doctor asked if maybe they were playing nerf guns, because it really did look like a whole in his head.  Ugh.  I was SO thankful Ben was home and came with us because I couldn't look.  All I could do was close my eyes and rub his legs at the end of the bed.  It was a surreal experience for Colin.  He said he didn't realize he was hurt until Luke said, "Colin! Your head!" and then saw blood pouring all over him.  And then they had him numbed up pretty quickly, so he didn't feel being stitched up either.  He didn't even really know what stitches were and all he could see was the doctors hands going in the air while holding a long string.  In fact, he didn't see the laceration or the stitches until the next day.

When we got back home, we all sat on the couch and had a few tears.  It was a little traumatic for everyone. 

That night, Colin said, "Momma, do you think I could have a treat for being so brave and not crying very much?" He absolutely needed a treat because he was the bravest boy I've ever seen and Chick-fil-A fries hit the spot.  He insisted on coming with me to help carry the food.

Welcome to the stitches club, Colin!  As the doctor said, it just means that you are an active little boy and were having some good ole' fun.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Aw poor Colin and poor you! It's so hard to see our children hurt, isn't it?

And I've got to say, when I first saw the very first photo in this post, I thought it was Eli!