February 8, 2009

So Refreshing!

I went on a retreat with some women from Hope this last week. We stayed at a hotel in Kitty Hawk, NC and were right on the ocean. We had all of our meetings in a building on the pier. I had to be careful that I really listened to the speaker and didn't just stare at the waves crashing onto the shore. It was beautiful and so refreshing.
Alison has started to pretend play, and the day I was getting ready to leave for the retreat she turned our suitcase into a train. Ben had just come home from a Church planters retreat, so there was a lot of coming and going.
Yesterday was absolutely beautiful here and I just wanted to be outside all day. We found a park by the water and walked some of the trails. Alison's favorite was riding the rocking horse...it was my favorite watching Ben ride the horse with her.

Ben broke out the harmonica with the worship team this Sunday. I have to tease him because his contraption looks like headgear, but this is yet another thing that Ben just decided he wanted to play, so he bought one and started playing and of course is amazing at it. This clip also gives you a glimpse of Hope. This is before worship, as people are coming in...you can see the Boomers in the front row.


katherine said...

I can imagine the ocean would be a little distracting. Can't wait to be back at the ocean later this week!

edj3 said...

Love the video of Alison playing in the suitcase, it's pretty clear that in her mind, she's riding a train. And wow, Ben, what can't you do?