April 16, 2009

Potty Time

Alison went pee on the potty for the first time today! She's been showing signs of being ready to potty train for awhile and we bought her a potty chair awhile ago. She's started telling me when her diaper is wet or she pooped and will asked to be changed. A couple of times she's even told me before she actually went. The whole potty training thing is somewhat of a mystery to me and quite frankly scares me. I've been putting her on the potty when she asks, and of course it's not the one we bought because she insists on sitting on the "big girl" potty. I kept hoping she would just magically pee so I could super praise her and then she would get the idea. When she got up from her nap today her diaper was dry and she had had a ton to drink at lunch so I knew she for sure had to go. So I set her on the potty and we sang 'twinkle twinkle little star" and at the finale she peed! I was so excited and she acted like it was nothing. I gave her a treat and she just spit it back out. Then of course she didn't want to put her diaper back on. We survived the rest of the day, but I sure could use some advice on potty training. Alison and I went to lunch with our new friend Carolyn today. I let her get a kids cup of milk and she kept calling it pop. Carolyn had a good laugh because everyone here says soda and apparently you stick out like a sore thumb when you say pop (I had a similar experience at the Y one day when I said pop). Just to ease your mind, we don't give Alison pop.


katherine said...

Ha! When Anna tells me she wants to go poo poo on the potty I tell her no, not today. There's a story about why that is that involves a mess on the floor. More power to you if you can figure out the potty training thing. I'm going to wait until Anna figures it out herself. (Watch me change my mind when I am changing two kiddo's diapers.) Yay for Alison!

edj3 said...

Yeah in some ways, toilet training boys was easier since I could toss Cheerios in the toilet and tell them to sink 'em. But I've always heard that girls train faster and have fewer accidents. She sure seemed ready when we were there, since she would go get her diapers for me when she wanted to be changed. The boys never did that.