July 11, 2010

3 Months

I'm sure I'll say this every post, but the last 3 months have gone by much too fast. I'm looking forward to the day when Eliot is easily motivated to sleep by stickers, but for now, I'm trying to cherish our time together in the middle of the night. His smiles make it all worth it to live on little sleep. Eliot's new favorite thing is his upgraded Woombie. If you're a mom and don't have one, get one. Seriously. He also loves music and watching everything around him. If he's upset, just flip him out so he can see and he's good. Happy 3 months buddy! I look forward to your many more smiles!

Alison wanted to make sure everyone saw this picture too. She made up a monkey dance last night and was pretty impressed with herself.

I thought this was pretty interesting. This is Alison at 3 months. It's crazy how our kids look exactly alike but nothing like either of us.


edj3 said...

Both of the children are just so dang cute. And it sure looks like Eliot's got super blue eyes, just like Alison (and you).

Kent J said...

The monkey dance makes me smile.

katherine said...

Hope you start getting more sleep soon. It sounds like you have a great perspective, but sleep makes even the smiles more enjoyable. I agree that Eliot and Alison look a lot alike. Both are very cute.

CaraBrown said...

I think you and Ben must look a lot alike because I think both of your kids look exactly like both of you!
Cute pictures!