July 20, 2010

Hello Zantac, we meet again.

I'm so thankful that I have a best friend and partner more than just a husband. I could make a pretty good bet that Ben would be thankful if I listened to him more. He's been telling me for awhile that he thinks Eli has acid reflux, just like his sister did. I didn't believe him. But his theory was proved right by the pediatrician this morning. He doesn't scream right after eating like Alison did, but he sure does scream when you try to lay him flat...duh, that's why he likes the carseat so much. It also explains why he would arch his back and flail out of my arms when I tried to soothe him. I was holding him horizontal and as soon as I put him upright, he'd be fine. Apparently we just produce children with acid reflux, and sadly I think it's my fault. My mom reminded me of the reflux problems I've had throughout my life. I went through a period in high school where I didn't realize I had reflux and just thought I was hungry all the time. I would get up in the middle of the night and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. There was a point that I was having 4 sandwiches a day-by some miracle I still stayed thin! This helps me understand why he was up all night wanting to eat. I'm thankful to know why he's been screaming and not sleeping. I'm more thankful for the solid hours of sleep we all got last night after we gave him some mylanta and put him in the carseat. I just gave him his first dose of Zantac and I'm anxiously awaiting some good sleep tonight.
I should probably offer my apologies to everyone in our house. Ben, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you were trying to help. Eli, I'm sorry I let you cry and told you to buck up and figure out how to fall asleep on your own. You will never remember the last few weeks, but I promise to buy you a big scoop of ice cream some day to make up for all of this. Alison, I'm sorry Eliot screamed through most of your naps and made you too grumpy. Will a sticker make up for it?

*While we were in the doctor's office this morning Eliot let out his first real laugh!

Check out his hair!

The hair on top is light blond, then he has a band of baldness, then he has long dark hair at the bottom. Talk about looking like an old man!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

You are the sweetest. Here's hoping you get fully rested again.