October 29, 2010

I'm so proud my little man's sitting skills...I just can't get enough. I was taking some pictures of him the other day when Ben commented that he remembers a picture of himself in a similar outfit as a baby. So we pulled it up to compare.

Ben at about 6 to 7 months

I'm not sure Eli really looks like either one of us, but we do know that he is one super cute kid.

Alison has loved dressing up as Minnie Mouse this year.

She was invited to a ballet class and all of the kids dressed up
She acted exactly like I expected her to, the same way she does in all new, unfamiliar situations. She turns into this super shy kid and when asked to participate she gets a big frown on her face. She even shed some tears as they pranced across the room. This was only her second experience with dance, so I just kept reminding her that it was fun and she could just watch the other girls learn ballet. Ironically, when we got home, she kept saying, "I had the most fun EVER at Maddie's ballet class!" I may never understand this kid, but I'm thankful she wasn't traumatized.

Last night we went to the Y's fall festival.

There's not much to say about the event. It was past the kids' bedtime and not exciting in the least bit, but I think Ben's super cute in the this picture, so I had to post it.

1 comment:

Kent J said...

Alison is just adorable as Minnie Mouse. And Ben looks so proud!