June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I know this day is not about the children...but in a way, it really is...because without them, men would not be father's. Alison was beyond excited for Father's Day. We wrote it on our school calendar and she counted down the days. Every day she would say, "It's almost Father's Day" (I'm sorry you don't get to hear her cute excited voice, but I'll always remember the look on her face when she said this). I got Ben some wrist weights, because kickboxing hasn't been hard enough for him lately :). Alison had no idea what they were, but she asked if she could wrap the box. Sure. Why not. Note to self: need to stock more than Christmas wrapping paper in the house. She wrapped the box, but a snowflake sticker on it and put it in a Rudolf bag. She pulled that bag all through the house, putting odd and ends in it to "add" to the present. The next morning I found the cats had chewed a corner off of the bag and Alison had added 2 more cards.
This is one loved daddy!
I mean, doesn't a chewed up bag and a picture of Calliou colored only in red scream love?

Well, it does to this Daddy.
He even let Alison help open it.

He didn't even make Eli get in the picture because he knows not to mess with a boy eating his lunch.
And you know what else this amazing daddy did on HIS day?
He smoked us all brisket for dinner.
It was delicious!
I made him apple crisp for dessert...but forgot the vanilla ice cream.

I love seeing Ben be a dad.
I admit, I'm jealous of the bear hugs Eli will give only him.
And I wish I could have his deep calming effect on Alison.
But it all the more makes me thank the Lord that he gave me Ben.

Tonight, Alison came running inside and said, "Mommy, daddy made me come inside...and I'm not happy." I explained to her that daddy was just protecting her from being hurt by the hot smoker because he loves her SO much. She said, "I'm still sad". I scooped her up in my arms and we sat down in the rocking chair. She looked up at me and said, "Mommy, when you were a kid, and your daddy made you come inside, did some extra snuggles make you feel better?"
Yes. Yes they did.

And it took me back.

To all the times my dad would walk in the door from work and I'd run up to him to give him a hug, but I only came up to his waist. I'd wrap my arms around his knees and he'd kiss the top of my head.
To all the times I'd get hurt and he'd rub it with his hand and make this sound I have no idea how to type and all the pain would magically go away.
To all the times I heard his whistle as I was riding my bike around the neighborhood and I knew it was time to come back to the safety of our home.

There's a comfort that comes from a dad that can be found no where else.

I love you dad!

1 comment:

Diana said...

So sweet! And it makes me feel good that I'm not the only one to make the last-minute discovery of an all-Christmas wrapping stash.