June 27, 2011

One Busy Weekend...a week ago

First, I have to apologize for the not so great pictures. I'm longing more and more for a fancy shmancy camera, but I love how small the one we have is. I can have it with me at all times and I don't have to lug around a huge bag. So, I guess I'll just have to deal with "real life" pictures.

We began the weekend with our very first garage sale.
I'm not sure how to rate the success of the day. We made some money, but I still had a driveway full of stuff at the end of the morning. I really wasn't looking to make money, I was more in it to get rid of stuff and I loved the idea of people coming to me to take it from me...and any change they gave me for it was $.25 more than I had with it sitting in my garage.
I have to admit that it was somewhat of an emotional experience. I am a purger, perhaps an extreme purger to a fault. So, it wasn't hard to see things go. It was, however, somewhat overwhelming to look at our driveway full of "things" that the Lord has blessed us with. He has given us all that we need, with abundance. I looked around and saw so many things that people have generously given to us in a time of need. We've never had much or the means to have much...but here before my eyes was much...much more than we needed.

Alison sold chocolate chips cookies and lemonade.

The poor girl only made a dollar, but she was so excited about that dollar.
She carried it around with her all afternoon, like it was a new pet.
We got to ride in daddy's truck and she waved that dollar out the window to show the world her success. Oh, the simple things that make me smile.
We told her she could buy a treat at the Smithfield Olden Days with the money she made.
We didn't have the heart to tell her there wasn't a single thing she could actually afford-we'll learn that lesson another day. For today, I spent a stinkin' $2.00 on a bubble gum popsicle.

We cooled down with some "real" lemonade and sat in the shade to listen to a bluegrass band play.

The next day, daddy was feeling bluegrass inspired so he played us some tunes while we roasted some marshmellows and splashed in the pool.

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