June 8, 2011

Need to Chill Out

A sudden fever hit Eli yesterday...and didn't leave for a good 24 hours.
He was not a happy camper and after a sleepless night, I wasn't either.
Praise the Lord for a warm sunny day and our little pool on the deck.
My little man was happy again and the cool water helped finally break his fever.
Alison enjoyed a 'whole fruit' popsicle (these things are simply amazing...and I'm not much of a popsicle person). I thought they would be a good treat for Eli's fever, but he didn't have the patience for it. He'd much rather splash the water from his little seat in the pool and make truck sounds. I let the kids play long into nap time and enjoyed our much needed chill out time.


Jamie said...

so weird? Bailey had a weird, sudden fever on Sunday afternoon/evening and it was gone when she woke up (in the middle of the night that night). I chalked it up to teething, but it was a little high? She had no other symptoms except interrupted sleep. And her usual teething symptoms. I wonder if there was something going around? I'm glad he's feeling better!

Jen Shear said...

that's exactly what he had. For me, it was high-101.6 and no amount of medicine would bring it down. You are the 4th mom that has told me their kids recently have had this, so I think it must be a bug (I also just brushed it off to teething).

katherine said...

Glad he's feeling better. He's so cute even when he's sick.

Jamie said...

Bailey's got up to 102.6 under her arm! It freaked me out, but she wasn't acting sick at all! So I was going to take her to the doctor Monday morning if she wasn't better, but she woke up in the middle of the night cool as a cucumber and hasn't had a fever since. I wonder if Wes or Allison will get it? I hope not!!