August 26, 2012

Check Ups

Alison and Colin had check-ups last week.  For some reason I thought it was a brilliant plan to schedule them at the same time, but just for the record, 2 kids getting 4 shots each + a potty training toddler=not a brilliant plan!  Plus I used fruitsnacks as my ploy to keep everyone quiet, which only resulted in crazy kids all afternoon.  Have I mentioned that fruitsnacks are like crack to my kids?  They are banned from the house and only given on rare occasions.  Anyway, I'm happy to report that we have 2 healthy kids.  Colin has stopped taking Zantac and while I wish there was a solution to his fussiness, I'm thankful that there isn't a real health problem and hopefully in the next couple of months he'll grow out of his colic.  He does have a herniated bellybutton and some thrush in his mouth, both of which should go away on their own.  What I found funny about the visit were my kids statistics: 
Alison-3ft 9 in (94th percentile) and 41 lbs (58th percentile)....i.e. tall and skinny
Colin-22.5 in (26th percentile) and 11 lbs 11 oz ( 42nd percentile)...i.e. short and stout
Alison's stats have always been about what they are now and Eliot's always been about 50/50, but it makes me wonder if Alison will be taller than her brothers.  And I've never had a chubby baby, but Colin is definitely starting to get little leg rolls. 

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