December 21, 2012

5 Days 'Till Christmas

In a few short days, Colin has gone from "I scoot around and destroy everything in my path"


to up on all fours with a very determined "I will get you!" 

Looks like Ben's prediction might be right...I'm excited to see what he's doing in 5 days!

He had his 6 Month check up yesterday.
Weight: 14.7 lbs (4th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (67th percentile)

The doctor predicts he'll be walking by 8 months!  She said that babies she's seen with his body type are early walkers.  For the record, I am not ready for this!  At 6 months, Colin is doing things that we spent months in physical therapy to get Alison to do.  Eliot didn't start scooting until 8 months, but he did sit on his own at this stage.  Colin doesn't sit up because he's too busy trying to get to something. 

Scootched over to hear Daddy play music.  Love the look of awe on his face.

Colin certainly is staying true to the name I called him the whole time he was in my belly-"surprise baby".  Everything about him is a surprise.  His birth, his eye color, his car seat hatred, his size (I'm still in shock over his stats) and his mobility.  I thought having a baby was hard, but I was wrong.  Having a mobile baby is hard!


edj3 said...

Go, Colin, go!

alicia said...

This sounds so much like Luca! Except for weight... This guy is heavy! So I'm kind of looking forward to him walking because carrying him around is a challenge! But I hear ya, mobility just adds a whole new dimension of challenges:) I guess they just want to keep up with the big kids. Merry Christmas to you all!

katherine said...

He is an early mover! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!