February 17, 2013

My Boys Are AMAZING!

Eliot got a hair cut.
There were a few minutes where we weren't too sure he was going to come out okay (Alison even walked by once and said, "Oh, that does not look very good"), but thanks to a skilled daddy, some Laughy Taffy and a 'used to be a hairdresser' neighbor, we came out with a handsome little boy.
For the next few days, he would rub his head and then say "I like my hair!"
Ben knew I would regret the cut and he was right.  Immediately my baby was gone and he turned into a spunky little boy.  And now everyone says he looks just like his daddy...for the record, no one ever says our kids look like me.

Colin started pulling up!

Ben was ordained February 10th and became Hope's Assistant Pastor.
It was such a sweet morning for our family.  George shared with the congregation how he met Ben and saw him become a Christian and then watched us fall and love and eventually married us.  He watched Ben begin his ministry and helped him through seminary classes.  He watched us welcome our babies into our family and baptized both of our boys.  I loved thinking back to those days right out of college when Ben shared with me that he felt God calling him to ministry and thinking about all the years he's worked for this day.  George then gave him a charge for his ministry and I thought it was absolutely perfect for Ben.  He teared up as he told Ben that he is a man of many, many talents; but his charge to him was to know his sheep.
I'm so very proud of Ben and am excited to see him embark on this new chapter of his ministry.

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