February 1, 2013

Update on Colin

After a second round of testing of Colin's poo, he's still testing positive for blood in his stool.
The doctor called the allergist herself, but still wasn't able to get an earlier appointment for us.
She said she is concerned that with his little size, young age and persistant problem, we simply can't wait a couple of months.  She assured me we would figure out what is wrong and after talking with the other doctors in the office, they believe he has a milk and soy protein allergy.  She told me to eliminate all dairy and soy from both of our diets and after a month we would test him again.  Hopefully, this time the tests will come back negative and we'll finally have a "baseline" for the allergist to go off of.

It's only been a week of "dairy free" for us and it's been challenging.  I question a lot...how extreme do I need to take it?  If there's 2 Tbsp of butter in a recipe that makes 3 loaves of bread, can I eat a slice?  If a cracker has 'soybean oil' in it, can I eat it?  And in case you were wondering, chocolate almond milk in coffee is not good.  I never thought I was much of a dairy person, but I also didn't realize how it's in everything!

Colin drinks about 2 bottles a day and the special formula that he can drink is crazy expensive.  Thankfully he just gave up the food pouches and has moved on to finger foods, so hopefully those costs will balance each other out.  My prayer right now is that I'll be able to nurse him for another couple of months.

Colin's also just popped his first top tooth and the second will be coming in any day.  He's started wearing a baltic amber teething necklace, which seems to have helped.  Who knows...it could all be coincidence or some great scheme for desperate mothers, but all I know is I've seen a positive change and that necklace is staying on his neck!


edj3 said...

Did she happen to test for anemia? That would be a concern too, with him being such a little guy.

My sister Martha had a dairy allergy (she ended up outgrowing it) and had to have that soy stuff. Sorry to hear you guys have to use it too :(

Jen Shear said...

we're testing for anemia next month, but the doctor said she didn't think he is.
Sad thing is, we can't even do soy. I've tried almond and rice milk...