March 23, 2013

A new adventure

Photo: Thank you Papa John's, you have made this one fabulous Friday night.
Big news from the Shear's!

Ben is commissioning into active duty with the Navy next week.  Shortly thereafter, he'll be given his first assignment and we'll be moving to...I have no idea where...somewhere.  And so we'll begin a whole new life.  somewhere.
Details?  Who needs them?
Ben will be a chaplain and we'll most likely be moving in May or June, that's all I really know.
Right now I'm dreaming of somewhere warm and sunny.  Spring fever? YES!

Alison's reaction shocked us the most.  I was nervous that she would be sad, but instead she said, "YEA!"
Yea?  We were confused.
We told her we had no idea where we were moving, but it would be somewhere in the world by the ocean.  I got out her world map and everyday since then she's talked about possible places we could live.  I am so encouraged by her excitement and love for adventure.  Honestly, I think she just thinks we're going on vacation and doesn't understand the permanence of it all, but I'll take what I can get.  Eli still doesn't understand Ben's at chaplain school, so I haven't even pushed the issue with him.

There's so many things I will miss about Virginia, and many things I'm excited for.
First, I'm so excited for Ben, as this step is a huge accomplishment for him and makes all the sacrifices worth it.  I'm excited about the possibilities...perhaps a little color on the walls of our next house and a short drive to the commissary :)

I will greatly miss:
 My sweet friends.
 Seeing friends everywhere, everyday (#1 reason I love a small town).
 My second home, the Y.
 Our little rental house.  the house that was a dream come true and where we brought home both boys.
 Windsor Castle trial, it's always, always been a source of refreshment for my soul.
 Hope.  our church family.  hearing Ben lead worship.
 Hannah Boomer carrying Eli out to the car every Sunday.  Small thing, big to my heart.

I'm still processing our "news" and haven't fully announced it to all my friends.  It feels surreal to me right now and I've been more consumed with Colin's health than thinking about packing boxes.  My goal was to keep things as normal as possible, as long as possible, for the kids.  I'm not sure how I'm doing on that if you are reading this news and surprised that I didn't tell you myself, that is why.

1 comment:

katherine said...

I'm so excited for you all! I promise I won't ask a bunch of questions you don't know the answer to. I'll just look forward to hearing news of where and when you're going when you know. Anywhere by the ocean is sure to be beautiful.