May 18, 2013

11 Months

I think he may have finally grown into his eyes.
He's grown a lot this month and finally fitting into size 12-18 month clothes.  Sure, little stinker can still wear some select 6 month things, but the fact that he can fit into some 18 month stuff, speaks volumes to me.  His hair has grown so much that he has a mullet.  I'm ready to cut it, but Ben's not quite ready.

As his first birthday approaches, Ben and I are ready for some real changes Colin.
First, it's time to start walking.  He is the fastest crawler I've ever seen and therefore, can get into twice as many things.  I can't keep up.  So, little mister needs to slow down and learn to walk.  Plus, as it's getting warmer, it would be nice to be able to take all the kids out to play and not have to confine him to a stroller.
Second, it's time to start consistently sleep through the night.  Yes, he still gets up occasionally...but don't be fooled.  It's never for teething or sickness or something justifiable.  He just wants to see a face and get a drink.
Third, and maybe most importantly, it's time to stop crying in the car!  This week, in the first time in the history of being a mom, I had to pull the car over to deal with a child.  In 11 months, I have never been able to figure out why he cries, nor find something that makes him stop.  I pulled over for the safety of us all, because I was about to lose it.  I even googled how to make a kid stop crying in the car.  It wasn't helpful, but that's how desperate I was.

Colin is a very sweet baby.  Everywhere we go, someone will comment about how beautiful he is or how happy he is.  It's a blessing to me to see how he blesses others.
But truth be told, Colin is still a challenge for me.  Nothing is easy...sleeping, eating or getting dressed.  He fights everything and will destroy everything in his path.  
Don't believe this precious face could be so difficult?  
The kid eats paper.  He's eaten two of my workout plans, a page out of Alison's bible, several of Eliot's flashcards and countless pieces out of our printer.
If one of the kids leaves the toilet seat up, he'll go splash in it.  If the pantry door is opened, you might as well say goodbye to anything he can get his hands on.
On the bright side, he helps me burn some extra calories throughout the day :)

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Now that lil Stinker has some chub in his cheeks, I really see a lot of Ben in him.