May 5, 2013

Such a mess

I don't think he could be any messier.
Every meal, Colin will throw all of the food off his tray and scream to get down.  He then will crawl around the floor, eating all the food that he just threw down.  There's just too much of a mess and too much going on to keep up with him.
I took this picture last night, as Colin was grazing the floor and the rest of us were finishing dinner.  I know I'll look at this picture in ten years and think how silly I was.  But this is our life right now.  Ben and I were laughing at ourselves for how we let it slide (I promise, we do clean our floors) and I confessed that I don't mind because it's a way he'll consume food-something of vital importance right now.  In fact, the other day I sprinkled cheerios on the living room floor, just because I knew he would eat them.  Ben started laughing and confessed that he had done the same thing.  Oh the things we'll do for a baby to grow.  Some day we'll make him sit in a chair, I promise.


edj3 said...

I'm sorry to say but I laughed loudly when I read this post, especially when I got to the part where you wrote that you'd sprinkled Cheerios on the floor for him. Hey, a boy has to eat, right?

katherine said...

I'm getting caught up on your blog. Your new house looks lovely and I see nothing wrong with putting food on the floor for a kid to eat. What does that say about me?! Builds the immune system, right? I figure when a baby is crawling all over the floor, I'm not washing his/her hands every second so it's the same germs whether they're on the hands or on the food. :)