September 4, 2014

2nd Grade

We've had smooth sailing into 2nd grade.  Alison was so excited for a new schedule and agenda and 2 of her good friends are in her class. 

She was so excited to have her very own desk this year.

Dropping her off this year was way easier than the previous two.  It helps that it's a familiar school with people we already know.  I know next year will be a whole different story when I have to leave Eli at kindergarten.  Ben left straight from school to the airport...Colin was not happy about losing both of them for the day.

Alison came home excited about the new year.  She finished her homework right away and made up some more on her own.  The only news I got out of her was that they get to go to computer lab this year and she doesn't want to go to gym because she is a slow runner.  I told her that she may not be the fastest runner, but that means she can go twice as far. 

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