September 2, 2014

Bike riding!

We have big news!
Alison learned to ride her bike!!!

Ben and I have been working with her (with training wheels) all summer, but it has lead to many frustrating evenings.  So we called in Grandpa.
Grandpa was ready and had a plan.  He told Alison they were just going to practice and took her outside.  Ironically, one of her training wheels had just broken so it was the perfect excuse to "fix them" while they practiced.  Dad made us all stay inside while he worked with her, which was hard for me, but just what she needed.  I confess that I peaked out of the window and got teary when I saw her riding for the first time.  After seeing her struggle for months, it was so sweet to see her get it.
After only 1 hour, Alison was riding by herself.  Isn't that crazy?!
AND my dad was on a conference call the entire about multitasking!

Here's the video of us watching for the first time.  Please excuse my scream at the end :)