April 6, 2016

Check this out!

Ben planted our garden this weekend.

I bought bubbles for the kids and the dog, thinking Maya would be jumping all over the place trying to get the bubbles...I was wrong.

But she did do this:

P.S. Colin answers "nothing" for most questions.

And she will let the kids do anything to her.  Eli is fascinated with how her limbs move and will mess with her paws all the time.  She just lays there and licks him :)

People keep telling us that in a couple of weeks, going outside will no longer happen.  Apparently this place will become a ghost town soon and people will only come out to run errands late at night.  I already feel like we are the only one's outside!  But we are loving being outside a ton, even if our neighbors think we're crazy.

Who says fetch is just for dogs?

We finally got Maya to go for a walk!

The secret is, we ALL have to go.


Kent J said...

I swear Maya's grown since the last post.

Jamie said...

So cute!! Your backyard is awesome!