April 1, 2016

I guess we're one of "those" people now

I guess we're the people who blog about pets now...
but I do think it will be really interesting to see how this puppy grows and changes.

She is still very much a scaredy-cat, but started relaxing a lot more yesterday.
Her favorite spot continues to be under Alison's desk and on the blanket that Eli gave her.  Eli asked if he could read to her yesterday during school and crawled under his desk to join her.  It was the best I have ever heard him read...now I know why they have "read to a dog" sessions for kids at the library.

This quickly formed pack, does not want to be apart.  Usually our "quiet time" looks like the kids in their rooms, watching a show or playing quietly.  Yesterday, the boys asked if they could play the Wii downstairs for quiet time so they could stay with the puppy (she's not very good at the stairs yet).

I took a shower while they played and told them I was setting a timer for when they needed to turn off electronics.  When the timer went off, I came back with my hair down and still wet and told the boys to turn off the TV.  I'm pretty sure I've had my hair in a ponytail since we got her and something about how I looked, freaked her out.  She barked at me like I was endangering the boys...it was like she was saying, "Stay back boys!  There's a scary woman approaching us!"  It was the first time we've heard her bark and it definitely showed me she'll be a good protector, once she stops being so scared.  The boys both got a little teary hearing her bark and once she saw me comforting them, she came and laid at my feet, almost like an "I'm sorry".

Alison continues to do a ton for the puppy.  She even asked to scoop the poop yesterday!  While doing it, she said, "This is SO fun!"...I just tried to reinforce that it is fun so she'll want to do it FOREVER. 

The foster mom told us to put a big stuffed animal in her cage to make her feel not alone.  This is the first time she hasn't been around her sisters and she's still so small in her giant crate.  Alison gave her Milly to sleep with.

We worked a little more on walking with a leash.  She will only follow Alison, so I told her to take her in the yard and just walk around with her to get her used to the leash.  Alison is dying to take her on a real walk, but I think it may be awhile before we actually get her to go out of the yard.


Jamie said...

She is so cute!!

edj3 said...

I love that you're one of "those" people now--seeing as how I am too! Love that she's settling in and the photo of Eli reading to her just melted both of us.