November 12, 2016

This and that

The day after going to the Children's Museum, Eli worked hard to recreate the grocery store.  First thing in the morning, he was making signs and filling old boxes with pretend food (lucky for him, I missed recycling last week, so we had lots of empty food containers).  By the afternoon, the store was open for business and we used shopping as our math for the day.  Eli was the cashier and Alison and Colin had to pay him.

I wished we still had our little grocery carts, but Eli handed out pillow cases for everyone to fill with groceries.

A lot of piano playing has been going on around here.  I love how simple things can turn into big things.  I just left the piano open and labeled the keys and the kids have really become interested in learning.

I could be wrong, but I believe Alison learns music more like Ben does.  I sat down with her one evening and played a simple song with her and she had it memorized in just a few minutes.

Eli continues to learn so much just by observing what Alison learns.  I've been teaching Alison some basic music theory and then I caught him writing his own song!

We've been trying to go to the park each day now that it's nice and soak up lots of fresh air.  This season is short, so we're hoping to live it up.  We spent one afternoon down by the river.  November in swimsuits=Arizona living.

River day was not Colin's best day.  While there, he was holding Maya's leash and she ran after Eli and made him face plant in the sand.  Then we went to the Y and Colin tripped on the sidewalk and face planted again.  He got a giant goose egg on his forehead and scrapped up his forehead and nose.

Then he fell off the stool while washing his hands for dinner and hit the back of his head.  It was a rough day for him and unfortunately, his face looks even worse now.  So much for cute Thanksgiving pictures, huh?

From Ben:
He ran another race on base and place 3rd!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I love, love, love that the kids are playing the piano. I have lots of memories of me doing that (and probably making my entire family go crazy because I played the same songs over and over again) and of course I have lots of memories of Jordan and Ben playing all the time.