November 17, 2016

This week

My photography skills are going down hill with my cooking.  I can't seem to get a clear picture for the life of me!  We attempted a picture with the supermoon.  At least it's documented that we saw it.

Life is always busy and entertaining when you have Colin around.

When you live 3 miles from the border, visiting the border patrol station is something intriguing to do.  Our friend is an officer and set us up with a private tour.  I'm pretty sure I learned more than the kids, but they had a really fun time.

We made cookies for Ben.  Alison helped mix the dough and Eli rolled them out.  Colin helped her and there too, but mostly just wanted to eat them.

Alison asked me to print off Holy, Holy, Holy the minute we got home from church.  She worked hard on figuring it out and has practiced it every day.

Okay, so the big thing this week.  I was cooking dinner when this happened:

I said to Eli, "Um, I haven't taught you anything (like not a thing. have not sat down once with him at the piano).  How in the world do you know how to play Holy, Holy, Holy?"
Eli says, "It's easy momma.  It's tells me how right here (as he points to the music that I've never taught him how to read).

Then today, I was working with Alison in the schoolroom, when he brought me this video and asked me to send it to daddy.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Whoa, Eli!!! That was awesome. I know your mama heart was bursting!