May 12, 2017

Vacation, Day 3

Colin got up the next morning and said, "Well, you guys have fun!  I'll see you when you get back, but I'm not leaving this house."  My tummy was also feeling all those mountain roads, so we decided that I would stay at the house with the boys while Ben continued on with our plans with Alison.  We didn't want to do separate things, but I really do think it will be a day the kids will not forget.

At the house, we did a lot of rock hunting.

Colin stuffing his pockets with rocks

Classic brothers pose...Colin, "I love you!"; Eli, "Don't touch me."
They lined up all their rocks and talked about which ones were their favorites.

 We had a picnic lunch on the porch:

We played dominoes and while the boys watched a movie, I sat on the porch and read a book.  I actually read a whole book that day...which is sadly worth documenting.

It was actually a day I really needed; a day to do nothing but be in nature and play with my kids and read a book.

Ben and Alison went exploring in Kings Canyon.

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