September 7, 2019

First day of Spanish class

This is a big year for Alison!  She will be taking Spanish 1 and Jr. High Language Arts through CASA (Christian Academy Support Association), the homeschool group that we have joined.

It is a support group for homeschoolers and they organize things like field trips, park days and make yearbooks/student IDs.  The also offer things for parents like help planning the jr. high and high school years to get ready for college and help you make transcripts.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they rent out space in a local church and offer classes.  What I love about the classes is, it's a not a co-op and it's not a school, it's simply the parents getting together and hiring a professional tutor for a specific subject.  Options like this will be vital as we enter the higher grades and we get into subjects that are out of my expertise.  Point in case: Spanish.  We have tried 3 online Spanish courses, all fine and well, but Alison wasn't learning anything beyond simple words.  I thought for sure living in Yuma would make Spanish really stick, but that proved wrong.  She requested to take this Spanish class and I am SO glad we agreed.  One class in and she has already gotten WAY more than any online program could offer.  There are 3 other girls around her age in her class and I'm praying and hoping some great friendships come from this adventure.

While Alison was in class, the boys and I camped out at a picnic table. #perkoflivinginCA.  This is a pretty good real-life picture of school...Eli pretty much always snacks on nuts and dried fruit while he works on math. 

I was sitting here thinking how amazing it was that we could do math out here every Tuesday and Thursday.  And then my bubble was burst.  Out of no where, Eli started screaming and threw off his shoe.  Tears started streaming down his face and it took me way too long to figure out that a bee stung his foot!  Stupid thing, crawled into his Croc while he was calmly sitting there and stung him!  I knew then that he will never want to go to that spot again.

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