August 22, 2020

First broken bone

Insert sad face.

As if 2020 wasn't going stinky enough...

Alison was hover boarding in the street one evening; Colin was running next to her and they were pumping some jams (it can play music).  She decided to go a little further down the street, where there is a hill...the hover board started going too fast and all I know is there was an epic fall.  Alison knew she was hurt, but didn't react like it was serious at all.  She carried her hover board back home and calmly walked into the house to tell us she crashed.  We cleaned up the scraps and put ice on her wrist.  If it wasn't for Covid, I would have taken her to prompt care just to make sure everything was okay.  We decided to see how it was in the morning.  Alison must have one high pain tolerance, because she didn't complain about it, but if we asked if it hurt, she would say yes, it hurt a lot.  When the pain wasn't leaving, I decided to call the doctor...who told us to come in right away.  He took one look at her wrist and sent us to get x-rays and then called to tell us to come back right away.  He put her in a splint until we could see the orthopedic specialists the next day.

4 doctors appointments in 24 hours during Covid=we need a prize!  My thoughts were definitely with the people who have to wear masks all day!

We had time to go to piano lessons before seeing the specialist.  Seeing Kailey and Lindsey brightened our day, but was also a little sad that Alison only got in ONE lesson before being decommissioned for who knows how long.  She's been working so hard over quarantine and now can't play.

Alison fractured her scaphoid bone; the bone connecting her thumb to her wrist.  She said, "No wonder my thumb felt so weird!".  Unfortunately, they say it's not an easy heal and one that will most likely take a long time.
-Insert super sad face-

She chose a black cast because it goes with more things.  She will most likely get to try several different colors, as we have to go back every couple of weeks to x-ray it and make sure it's healing okay.  He didn't say what would happen if it wasn't, so fingers crossed she stays on the right path.

 We went to get Mister Softees afterwards, because by that point, we just needed some ice cream!  I'll say it for Alison, this has been such a bummer.  Life was already feeling restricted and now even what she could do, was taken away.


edj3 said...

I'm hoping she got a lot of relief from pain once that cast was on. That was the case w/ my broken foot, much to my surprise. I didn't realize how even tiny little microscopic movements hurt when a bone is broken.

Jen Shear said...

You are right! She said it felt much better with the cast on!