September 7, 2024

2nd half of the country

While Eli and I hit the road to finish the trip, Alison and Colin stayed at my parent's house for a week.  Ben was in New York, supervising the house being packed up.  Grandpa took Colin fishing and to the farm several times.  I hear it was good fishing and they caught 20+ fish!

Eli and I stopped for lunch in Salina for burgers Granddaddy recommended.  It was fun little spot and perfect for eating with a dog.

We had a very long day driving through Kansas because of a road closure.  I will always find the prairie beautiful, but we were ready to be out of the car by the time we got to Colorado.

We made the next day a short, fun one.  We drove to Vail for lunch.  I could have stayed there for a week, but Eli was not as wowed.

We made a stop to walk Maya along this trail.  I again had to peel myself away.


We stopped at Grand Junction Colorado for the night and had a fun evening.  First, we went to 'Bananas of Fun' and played mini-golf and rode go-carts.

Then we got sushi for dinner.

This dinner was one for the books.  The place looked abandoned and I was going to turn around and find somewhere else to eat, but Eli convinced me to try it.  The food was delicious, but we were the only people in the giant restaurant.  I think we made their night coming in for dinner.

The next day, we drove to Zion National Park!
Our hotel was right at the entrance of the park.

Eli was not excited about hiking, probably because it was 100, so he stayed at the hotel with Maya and I went into the park for a little adventure.  I just did a 2 mile hike from the visitors center, but I loved every minute.

I put my feet in the stream at the end of the hike, thinking it would be so refreshing and then I remembered what it was like living in Yuma...the water is luke warm and not refreshing.  

We walked across the street for a Mexican dinner and then swam in this amazing pool.

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