September 11, 2024

Our first week in Cali

We've been to the store a million times.  Moving is expensive! But also fun to refresh things.  We've had delicious food and tried to get all our favorites...although I was bummed to find that some of them are only up in Camarillo.  Guess we'll have to make a trip soon.  I've gone on several runs and am quickly humbled by all the hills here, but also excited be able to run in this beautiful place.  Alison had her job transferred here and started at the new location the day after she got here!  That called for a celebration, so picked up crumble afterwards.

Work is no longer across the street, which means I get to drive her for a short season while we work on her getting a license and car.  I treated myself to a little beach time one day after dropping her off.  I can get my toes in the sand just 15 minutes from our house!

Coffee and the ocean might be a theme in our life.  Alison asked if I wanted to try Dutch Bros with her and bummer, the location was right by the water and we just had to stop by for a little bit.  We sat on these rocks and watched the crabs scamper around and agreed that we would be okay with making this part of our routine.


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