September 1, 2024

Third times the charm

This is our third cross-country move and though it seems complicated how we did it, it has been the smoothest move so far.  Eli, Maya and I left New York first.  We said goodbye to Mint house and hit the road with a carload of stuff.

We made it smoothly through the city and made it to our stop in Pennsylvania in time for dinner.  We were all ready to swim after dinner, but the pool was closed :(

The next day was a long day to St. Louis.  We stopped in Ohio for lunch and a spontaneous treat of Crumble (we've never been before).

After a long day, bbq hit the spot.  And win!  We were able to swim in the hotel pool that night!

Maya is the whole reason we made the drive.  I just couldn't bare the thought of putting her on a plane.  However, she turns into a diva while traveling and refuses to eat her dry food.  Just her luck, we stayed at Hampton Inns and their breakfasts are just suitable for a pup.

The next day was a short drive over to Kansas!

It was nice to have a few days in Kansas to catch up on some rest, do some laundry and visit friends and family.
The next day, I had breakfast with Lyd.  We spent the morning walking around downtown and it made us feel like we were back in college and not in our 40's :)

These posts could easily be titled "The Food We Ate Across the Country".  Papa Kenos pizza still reigns supreme.
That afternoon, Alison and Colin flew to Kansas.  We picked them up from the airport and stopped by Sonic for dinner.  You can't go to Kansas without Sonic.  Then we spent the evening at Aunt Beth's.

The next day, we met Nana and Granddaddy for lunch.  It was so nice to catch up for a bit.

The rest of the day was spent playing with the cousins.


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