May 26, 2008

New words and tricks

Alison's favorite noise this week was making smacking noises with her lips. She also started waving "bye-bye" and will occasionally say "ba, ba" with it. Of course she never does it when we want her to, but it's still a step in the learning process. She went from sitting in her crib to standing and thought it was quite funny to throw her pacifier across the room, but it wasn't all laughs when she couldn't figure out how to lay back down to go to sleep. We've also run into a bit of a food challenge. Out with baby food, in with anything that's on our plates. I made pancakes this morning with formula and was very impressed with my creativity. But I was quickly defeated. As soon as she saw my plate of normal pancakes with syrup she wanted no part in the pieces of her pancake on the tray. So if anyone has any suggestions throw the advice my way.

Our biggest news this week is Alison welcomed her first cousin to the world today. Katherine Marie Chang was born this afternoon and is 6 lbs, 10 oz. 20.5 inches long. Both Beth and Kate are healthy and doing great! We can't wait to meet her!

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