May 9, 2008

We have proof

We went to physical therapy again this week and the therapist still feels like Alison isn't using her left side as much as she should. She asked us to video tape what we see at home and bring it to her on Monday. This is one time in Alison's life that fussing is getting her out of something. Since she's starts crying the moment we step into therapy it's not productive to go and we're told that she needs to "take a break". I'm pulling the parent card and saying we're done. I can say with confidence that Alison is developing normally and if you have any question about it you can watch this video and see her using her left hand wonderfully.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I think you are so wise to stop the PT. Although we know more about issues that babies may have, sometimes I think we go way overboard on preventive interventions.

I will say at one point in this video, I thought Alison was going to use her left foot to pick up the book or video :-)

She looks fantastic (duh).