September 30, 2008

Fun new things!

Elizabeth and Kent sent Alison some things all the way from New York! Jordan and Sophie were here this weekend so today was the first chance I had to try them on. Alison really needed fall clothes so their timing was perfect. I've never seen a cuter kid than Alison today in her outfit. It's hard to get good pictures now that she's chasing after me when I'm trying to take the picture, so I don't think these do it justice.
After dinner I was cleaning up and Alison came over and snatched the colander. She thought it was the best toy in the world. I looked over at her playing and just had to laugh. Why does her hair have to be so crazy? I had in a cute ponytail with a hello kitty tie and then Ben was playing his chase game with her and that was the end of the cuteness. While Alison was playing with the colander, Ben got out his guitar. I always love listening to him play and I wondered if our family had ever heard how great he is. So, if you haven't heard Ben play and sing before, here you go. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. The shaking at the end is Alison trying to get the camera and I apologize it's so short.


edj3 said...

Oh thank you, thank you for posting those pictures! We really hoped the clothes would fit, and it looks like they do! She looks really cute in them and I LOVE the picture of her with the colander.

edj3 said...

Oh oh could you also email me those two pictures? When I save them directly from the blog, I get the little dinky size and blowing them up hoses the resolution. Thank you :-)

katherine said...

Anna would love it if her mother or father played the guitar. She has to make do with CDs. Poor, deprived child.

I wish you were closer--I'd give you some of Anna's abundant fall wardrobe. It appears to me she will never be able to wear all those clothes, but I'll probably be sick of them by the end of the winter. Regardless, you could have the shoes because she will not let me put them on her feet. At least I didn't buy them new.