June 16, 2009

Blowing bubbles

We've been trying to teach Alison to blow bubbles while swimming. She's pretty good at kicking, but her arms are usually busy clinging onto something and up until now would just drink the water instead blowing into it. This week it's been raining off and on and just not good swimming weather...well, according to me-Alison would be in the pool rain or shine. Well, this evening we came in from playing outside and Alison was completely filthy. She went straight into the bath, and I threw in all of her toys for an extra long play time. She flipped on her belly and said, "I swimmin'!" I'm sure no one else think this in monumental, but I'm her mommy and I document all firsts. June 16th: first swim in bath tub.


CaraBrown said...

Alison's voice is soo cute, oh and her laugh!!!

edj3 said...

She really went to town on those bubbles too! Glad she didn't inherit her dad's fear of water. He took baths in about an inch of water until he was probably 3.