January 21, 2010

A few highlights of the week

*Started sleeping on an air mattress next to our bed to ease my hip pain at night but now can't sleep because I'm missing my hubby heater

*Tried to teach Alison that she doesn't need to follow me around the house asking what I'm doing without screaming at her to go away

*Cried because Ben brought me home pizza as dessert

*Excited to find that I'm still able to participate in kickboxing, power cut and step classes at the Y and was talked into training for a half marathon after the baby's born-thanks Julie...

*Thought we had a name picked for the baby until a baby on 'A Baby Story' was named the same thing

*Resulted to eating frosting straight from the container to console my sweet tooth after learning I had to wait until valentine's day to get my girl scout cookies.

*Alison thinks I also have a baby sister inside of me...and it's not in my belly...

*Had Alison's first real tea party, complete with real china. The healthy chocolate cake we made to go with it was HORRIBLE and so we had substitute frosted animal crackers with sprinkles.

*All of my healthy cooking attempts made this week have been complete flops: chocolate cake=the worst thing I've ever tasted. Baked macaroni and cheese=terrible. "Deceptively Delicious" grilled cheese sandwich=beyond gross. Something's telling me the baby really just needs some ice cream.

*Thought Ben was dead when I saw a cop car in front of his office. Someone had just been pulled over and I'm sure everyone in his office got a kick out of my frantic phone call.

*Squeezed myself into a swimsuit to take Alison swimming with some friends and was slightly
surprised when they invited us to join them once a week...we'll see how long that lasts.

*Finding life just a little bit better with a little caffeine.

*Really enjoying my read through the bible in a year plan-granted it's only been 21 days, it's still been very refreshing. Psalm 18:1 "I love you, O Lord, my strength" has been a huge blessing to me this week. I also found it ironic that the same morning I read Genesis 38, there was a little girl in child watch named Tamar. I can't stop wondering what I'm missing. Tamar...really?...I'm not sure that's who I would choose to name my child after. Seriously, what am I missing? Maybe I'll understand more after 2 Samuel....we'll see.


edj3 said...

OK I'm definitely not laughing at you, but I did giggle while reading this post. I'll put my brownie recipe on Springpad, it's super easy and will satisfy both sweet and chocolate cravings. In fact I made them tonight.

edj3 said...

And here's a link to the brownie recipe:


Elizabeth and Nathan said...

You should check out Carolyn Custis James' book called Lost Women of the Bible for a new perspective on Tamar. There's a whole chapter on her. I don't know if I would name my daughter after her, but it still gives me some new respect for the woman.

Jen Shear said...

Thanks Beth! I'll check it out because I'm really curious.