January 14, 2010

Vacation withdrawl

Coming home from vacation is always hard, but for some reason this time it's hitting me harder than normal. It was so nice to not have to think about cooking or cleaning for a week. I'm highly considering hiring someone to plan my meals and write out grocery lists for me. I didn't realize how spoiled I was last week until I got home. My dad gave Alison a bath every night and there was a house full of people to answer her million 2 year old questions. It's cute that she's talking more, but I get tired of answering, "Whatcha doin' Mommy?" by the end of the day. Oh, and I didn't have to lift Alison into her carseat once for a week-baby boy appreciated that perk. Yep, it's a good idea to have family live close by.
One of my favorite things about the trip was watching Alison and Katherine play together. The funny part was that Katherine kind of took the leadership role. One evening Katherine sat and carefully built towers out of blocks and then Alison would knock them over. We built them a small tent so they could go "camping" and Katherine was the one that would lift the blanket up and make Alison laugh. One evening Katherine took Alison's hand and drug her into the bathroom. She then tried to pull down her pants and said "potty". Alison was having issues with accidents while at Grandma's and Katherine was making sure she made it to the potty in time. You can also hear Alison say in the video that Katherine's her friend. We're big on friends these days and we're missing the company of cousin Kate.


edj3 said...

I'd been thinking about pulling together recipes with a meal plan and shopping list as a gift for birthdays or something -- does that sound appealing?

Jen Shear said...