February 24, 2010

Recovery Mode

I thought I better post before everyone thought we were dead. A mysterious flu bug snuck into our house and invaded. Alison woke up in the middle of night last Wednesday throwing up and continued for about the next 8 hours. Pedialyte became my best friend...and so did the washing machine. By Friday Alison was back to her normal toddler self and my challenge became trying to keep from doing too much and still get some good rest. Then, Ben came home early from work Friday sick. I've never seen someone so sick. Saturday I quarantined Ben and Alison and disinfected every inch of the house and did massive amounts of laundry. We've been throw up free for several days, but Ben is still not feeling all the way better and Alison told me several times yesterday that she didn't feel good. Alison giving Daddy a get better kiss

As for me, by the grace of God, I was spared. I know there were a lot of prayers said for me and the baby's protection and they were certainly answered. I've had ups and downs of feeling okay and then not so great. But I feel like it's my body's way of fighting hard to stay healthy and as long as I get good rest and plenty of food I feel pretty good. I feel like my body knows it can't even go there, so it better do whatever it has to to stay healthy. Hopefully soon we'll all be back to 100%.

A couple of days ago Alison was playing with her letters on the refrigerator. If she puts letters into the "Letter Factory" it tells her what sound the letter makes and then will say the word she's made. She left to play with something else and I turned around to find she had spelled her first word! I couldn't stop laughing. My daughter's first word to spell is SIN and don't you love how it's right next to her memory verse?!


edj3 said...

I'm glad to hear you are all feeling better and I love the picture of Alison kissing Ben.

Ben Shear said...

i think it's funny that Sin is right above the word Mom! :)