April 17, 2010

What a blessing

This little man has brought so many blessings to our family.

Eli has been a little yellow, so we've been making sure he gets some sun. Don't worry, he's definitely getting plenty to eat and pooping way more than the required 4 times a day.

Daddy is the bath guy around here. So, yesterday morning he gave Eli his first bath at home. For some reason I've missed both of my kids baths at the hospital, but Ben was able to help the nurses and felt ten times more comfortable than I did with the first sponge down.

Eli is an awesome sleeper. I know, he's only 6 days old and that's all they do...but as Ben would say, he can put out some serious sleep vibes.

My mom got Alison and Eli outfits that say 'Big Sister' and 'Little Brother'. Our attempts to get a good picture, proved harder than I anticipated. In the first picture, Alison is tickling his feet and saying, "tickle, tickle" instead of smiling.
And this picture just cracks me up. Alison's saying, "I love my baby brother" and Eli is not so excited about her affection.

Alison has done a great job transitioning into her big sister role. The rare times he's crying (i.e. he's hungry) she races to get him a pacifier and or she tells me that he needs to eat my belly (yeah, try not laughing at that one).

You know our name debate, it's turned in a way I didn't expect. I've been calling Eliot, Eli consistently since he was born. To my shock, I've noticed Ben calling him Eli more than Eliot. But the surprise...Alison. The other morning I called him Eli and she looked at me with this perplexed look and said, "Who's Eli?". Yesterday when I called him Eli, she very firmly said, "Mommy, his name is Eliot". Alison really is just like her daddy.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Uh oh. So what shall we call him? Love the video of Alison giving him the pacifier and the picture of Ben snoozing with him makes me sleepy too!