January 13, 2011

9 Months

Happy 9 months!
His face says it all, we LOVE this age.
He's showing his true Shear colors and refuses to actually crawl until he has it perfected.
The best thing that's changed this month is he's FINALLY sleeping ALL night. I admit, I cried after a couple of nights of him not getting up for his 10 pm feeding; I missed my sweet snuggles with him when the house was completely quiet, but the extra sleep is worth it all.

His favorite toy is this play kitchen. He loves opening and closing the oven door and banging together the pan and spoon.

Alison thinks playing with Eli is pretty fun too.
Especially when she gets to wear her new fancy outfit daddy got her (plus the sweater mommy made her wear because its FREEZING).

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I love these pictures. Eliot's cheeks remind me of both Jordan and Ben--they had big ol pillows for cheeks. And Alison doesn't look like a toddler at all, she looks very grown up now.