February 4, 2011

Fancy Frenzy

See this beautiful smile? It's shines bright when she is dressed something like this. If the skirt was pink with butterflies on it and she had on a sparkly bracelet, it would be even better.
But, this princess is on a fancy frenzy. Yesterday she cried for 2 HOURS because her skirt was brown. Brown. Can you believe it?! I actually put her in a brown skirt. I know what you all are thinking: Jen, just let her wear a pink skirt, with her pink t-shirt and her pink tights with pink sparkly shoes, for Pete's sake! I don't mind her looking like a piece of bubble gum, but I do mind the complete meltdown over every detail of her outfit. On the way to art class I tried to understand her great need for being fancy. I explained to her that God made her absolutely beautiful and she was "fancy" no matter what she was wearing. Apparently my world famous "you are fearfully and wonderfully made" speech didn't sink in. Her response: "But Mommy, brown just isn't pretty enough!"

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Awww. But she's right in a way--brown isn't all that pretty compared to pink and sparkles.