February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here are some glimpses of our Valentine's Day:

We had banana muffins for breakfast and I gave Alison a new pink headband to match her all pink outfit.
Ben took Alison to story time and then I took her to a friend's Valentine's party. She decorated heart shaped cookies and made a Valentine card.

I spent some time organizing the church nursery and our garage. I love organization.

We played outside and Daddy surprised us with roses.
He sure knows how to take care of his girls!

Eli was just excited to watch the fun.
Our neighbor brought over some cupcakes.

I even let Eli eat one. He devoured it.

Ben made flautas, quacamole and margaritas for dinner...and cleaned up afterwards.

We put the kids to bed and ate lots of homemade peanut butter cup ice cream.
It was a sugary, lovely day.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I love the picture of you and Alison with your flowers. And I love how your day went, it sounds really perfect.