January 17, 2012

One Smart Cookie!

I am so proud of this little girl.
Yesterday Ben and I poked our heads in our her during quiet time to find her laying on her bed drawing on the magnadoodle. We thought it was sweet how she was quietly drawing.
Later that night, we were picking up the house and as I handed her the magnadoodle to be put away I noticed their were actual words written on it.
She said she was making a sign that said, "NO CATS ALLOWED" but 'allowed' didn't fit on the board. I was really impressed. Minus the 'no' being backwards, she actually figured out how to write "no cats" all by herself.
She's too smart for me.


Jamie said...

YAY! She's super cute, too :) And she totally looks like you in this picture!

katherine said...

It's so fun to watch them learn, isn't it?

edj3 said...

Ha so the cats are banished from her bedroom? Poor Smoochie, I know he will be heart-broken.