January 9, 2012

16 Weeks

I am happy to report that I haven't been sick in one whole week. HURRAY!!!
I've found that if I drink enough water, I don't feel sick. And if I start not feeling good, I just down a couple glass of water and I'm much better. I wish I would have known that a long time ago.

I've started to feel little baby movements and am anxious for the big kicks (it always eases my mind that everything is okay). My appetite has returned, but seem to be neutral to cravings/aversions.

People still can't really tell I'm pregnant and most days I just feel like I have a large fat roll. I have a feeling that the fat roll will "pop" soon though because the dreaded hip pains have begun.

I'm still teaching at the Y and only had a take a week off after the whole near passing out episode. Looking back over the last 4 months, I'm not sure how I continued teaching through all the sickness, but I'm so thankful that I pushed through. I have a sub lined up to take over at any time that I decide I'm done, but for now I'm enjoying the challenge. Last week my good friend came to class and she told me afterwards, "I'm so thankful you are my friend, or I would have been thinking some really mean thoughts about you." I took it as a high complement. I often worry that my class has become too easy since being pregnant, but it was good affirmation that I still have it!


edj3 said...

You are so pretty! And Alison is just so dang cute. Love you guys!

alicia said...

I am so, so, SOOO impressed you are still teaching! Amazing. It was all I could do just to stay awake those first few months:). Wish I could have taken one of your classes!

alicia said...

I am so, so, SOOO impressed you are still teaching! Amazing. It was all I could do just to stay awake those first few months:). Wish I could have taken one of your classes!