September 24, 2012

Catching up

The most beautiful thing in the world:

just lay him in his crib, he puts his thumb in his mouth and away he sleeps all.night.long.

And he needs lots of sleep to endure life with his 2 siblings.   

Second most beautiful thing:
 the bus. 
 I LOVE the bus.

School is only 10 minutes away, but it would take me an hour just to get get there, get the boys into school, sign her out, wait in line to pick her up and then load everyone back up and drive home.  Alison would get frustrated that I couldn't hear her telling me about her day over Colin's crying and we would all get home completely stressed.  When I realized that the bus was actually beating me home some days (we're the very first stop) I knew it was time for a change.  There's another little girl from her class that rides the same bus and they sit together every day.  The bus driver makes them sit by grade and girls sit on one side and boys on the other.  I like this bus driver!  Alison loves the bus so much that she has even started taking it in the morning.  The first day she rode both ways and bought a lunch at school, she said, "All my dreams have come true!".

A picture of life:

Mornings are busy; feed the baby, coffee, breakfast, everyone dressed, pack lunch, Eli potty and out the door we go to school and the Y and are home just in time for lunch and naps.  So I try to get ready as much as I can the night before.

Here's Eli ready to go in the morning:

Buzz Lightyear is a new favorite and he doesn't want to go anywhere without his backpack.  What does a 2 year old need with such a big bag?  A change of clothes and a good snack is always a necessity.

Alison's teacher sends home a folder every day of all her work.  It's become a highlight for Ben and I to talk with her about her day and hear her stories.  Friday she came home with a picture from art class:
"It's a mermaid, mommy"

Eliot started trying to sing this week.  Any song he hears, he mumbles along, trying to catch onto the words.  It's perhaps the cutest thing I've heard.


edj3 said...

Love the singing, adore the story about the bus and Colin is just too cute sucking his thumb.

I know I told you about the time one night after they were in bed when I took all the boys' Legos in the house, piled them on the dining room table and built a solid cube using every one of them. Rick had a friend over who was completely baffled by what I was doing. I told him I would have at least ONE thing started and completed that day.

I'm sure he thought I was crazy.

Ashley said...

um, even cuter than the singing? eli wearing rain boots. Love him! :)

Vanessa said...

Such truth in this post. :) So thankful when God reminds me to slow down :) Glad you were able to get a breather and relax a bit! Your kids are absolutely adorable!