September 10, 2012

What's that you say?

The first week of school is over?

It went by so fast.

It was funny to see Alison realize what a weekend really is.  I bribed her with donuts if she slept in, and it worked.  It was the first day in a long time that she was content to just be at home playing and it was oh, so refreshing.  This morning she asked me, "What are we doing tomorrow?" expecting my usual answer of a rundown of our routine.  I reminded her with a chuckle that she goes back to school tomorrow.

I have nothing but positive things to say about our school experience so far.  I've been impressed with the teacher's communication to us, the activities she's done and even the food they serve at lunch.  Alison's been excited to go each morning, usually waiting for daddy to take her, a good hour before it's actually time to go.  I can't say that days are any easier or quieter with her gone, but I have already been able to do some things with Eliot that I wouldn't have if she were home.  I'm really looking forward to getting into our new routine this next week!


edj3 said...

That is a great picture of Colin. And I see he's got gorgeous eyes just like his brother and sister.

CaraBrown said...

I love hearing such positive reports about school for Alison! So wonderful that the teacher communicates so much with you. You are an amazing mom and now this time with Eliot you'll treasure so much! love to you!

katherine said...

So glad the first week went well. Hope week 2 is just as good.